Smiles for Children

The Australian Society of Orthodontics recommends a first orthodontic assessment between the age of 8 and 10.

The early screening of children for the detection and diagnosis of any anomalies can be of huge benefit to the treatment of orthodontic problems, even if only to identify the ideal time for any future care.

Treatment may often not begin at this early age, but the child’s growth and development can be recorded and monitored so that treatment can be started at just the right time. Sadly we see far too many children too late in their development to be able to give them our optimal care. For this reason we encourage you to seek an opinion early and if no early treatment is required we will monitor their growth and development at no extra charge.

Early Phase or Interceptive Treatment for those children, where there is a clear indication for care, presents the opportunity to improve or correct:

This early phase treatment is most often commenced between the ages of 8 and 10 years. Children of this age have a good growth potential, are usually highly compliant and cope extremely well with treatment. Early treatment usually lasts 6 to 12 months, after which we will normally monitor your child’s growth and development until the eruption of the adult teeth. At this time consideration is given to the need for any further care. Most children who have an early phase of orthodontic treatment will require a more comprehensive phase of treatment in their early teen years to create a more stable, functional and aesthetic result. This more complete phase of treatment usually involves wearing braces.

Early care with functional or myofunctional appliances, where claims of long term significant growth changes are made, have no proven scientific support. While these appliances can alter tooth position, there is little significant skeletal change. Patients treated with these appliances will normally require comprehensive care again during adolescence.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s dentofacial growth and development, seek an early specialist opinion.

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